Saturday, January 26, 2013

Learn from the past

Family trends whether we desire them to or not happen generationally. Though values and personal decisions may change, we have a trend that comes naturally that seemingly mirrors those who have gone before. I refer to what we learn from our families or trends that come naturally and often unnoticed to us. These can explain certain behavior and various oddities that each of us bare, again take the time to learn from your family. Build a chart your personally genogram that illustrates family trends that explain where you picked up your values, where you become comfortable under certain stresses that remind you of home. Be aware of the mistakes unseen that you would like to change for your children.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Make time for your family, you will experience great joy as you teach them and also joy in their successes later in life. There is nothing greater than those ties to family and far too often today’s society forgets to make room for what is truly important. Remember you only have right now to make them, putting off till tomorrow prevents the growth of your family and yesterday was too late. I personally hope that I never lose willingness and time with my family.

Friday, January 11, 2013

share experiences, there is no better educator than our own experiences.