Tuesday, April 2, 2013


- since the no fault divorce act happened in the 70’s, marriage is not considered a covenant that a family is built upon, it becomes a contract that once the relationship becomes hard and irritating couples escape easily without  ever putting in effort to stick around and make the relationship work. This affects not only the couple but also both families, their children and friends.  There is a need today for educating one another and building meaningful relationships that even in the most difficult times we don’t regret our decision to have a family and life with the person you marry. 

parenting by encouragement

- when people think of parenting, many consider parenthood as a simply parents teaching their children to listen and respond to the desires and needs of the parent. We need to remember that in teaching others the most effective way in encouragement, to show them the aspects about them that are good.  Teaching others is not only for parenting but also in our treatment and appreciation of others and their good qualities.

my father

The thing that I love most about my father is that he always knew when to share with others that he loved them. As we go from day to day we don’t need people to constantly ask us what is wrong or ask us if there is anything  we need, not that there is a lack of  willingness to help but that as we go along we often say that we don’t need the help and that we are doing just fine. But it is the quiet emotional moments where others know that we need support and know that we don’t need it physically so much as having and knowing we have their support emotionally. It is those moments of frustration; we want someone to just know that we want them to appreciate us without our asking. Somehow he knew when I needed a hug and said “hey”, me: “yeah”, “I love you”, it was always that simple exchange that really said everything that needs to be said: appreciation, thanks, love, and support.